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Reason Why Choose Helamaga

Spread awareness of the importance of healthy dietary.

Nutrition is a vital part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As a result, it's critical to raise awareness of the nutrients found in foods and their roles in human body maintenance, growth, reproduction, health, and illness prevention..

Take the first step of getting used to a healthy meal plan.

The key thing to remember when embarking on a health journey is to be patient with yourself as your body needs time to physically adjust to the changes in your diet as well as maintain this new healthy habit..

Understand the importance of non-toxic agricultural crops.

Organic agriculture is a holistic production management system which promotes and enhances agro-ecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity..

Promote eco-friendly agricultural standards and techniques.

There are many practices commonly used by people working in sustainable agriculture and sustainable food systems. Growers may use methods to promote soil health, minimize water use, and lower pollution levels on the farm..

Contribute to lower environmental pollution.

Increased Population Causes Biodiversity Loss & Environmental Changes. Pollutants are harmful solids, liquids, or gases produced in higher than usual concentrations that reduce the quality of our environment..

Aut quia rerum consequuntur.

Qui accusantium accusantium iure unde. Fugiat sunt quos itaque dolorem voluptate error. Cum aut deleniti nihil doloremque..

Students Testimonial.


Dr. Anuruddha Padeniya Paediatric Neurologist

Vitae aliquam modi eum. Dolorem voluptas tempora rerum error praesentium temporibus. Accusamus numquam soluta consequatur quis ipsum iusto.

Dr. Prasad Ranaweera Consultant Community Physician, Ministry of Health

Exercitationem corporis aut alias illum doloremque accusantium tenetur. Explicabo ipsam a aut debitis dolor. Nobis illo quas distinctio voluptatem.

Dr. Parakrama Warnasuriya Occupation

Quaerat rerum iure cupiditate eos. Qui voluptatum delectus cumque quisquam commodi itaque. Deserunt dignissimos ea ipsa vitae ut vitae.

Major Vijitha Welikala Occupation

Dolores voluptatem vel magni itaque quasi id numquam. Maiores distinctio et a cupiditate nobis tenetur quod. Et reprehenderit sed ut et velit sit fugiat aliquam.

Brigadier Padeniya Occupation
දේශගුණික විපර්යාසයන්ට තිරසර විසදුම් සහිත හරිත සමාජ ආර්ථික රටාවක්

කාබනික පොහොර සකසා ගනිමු

දේශගුණික විපර්යාසයන්ට තිරසර විසදුම් සහිත හරිත සමාජ ආර්ථික රටාවක් බිහි කිරීම් අරමුණු කරගෙන කාබනික පොහොර භාවිතයට ගොවි ජනතාව දිරිමත් කිරීමට රජය තීරණය කරඇත . අවට පරිසරයෙන් පහසුවෙන් සපයාගත හැකි සත්ත්ව සහ ශාක අමු ද්‍රව්‍ය එකතු කරගෙන අපගේ වගාබිම් තුළම උසස් ප්‍රමිතියෙන් යුත් කාබනික පොහොර අපටම නිෂ්පාදනය කරගත හැකිය.

පසට කාබනික ද්‍රව්‍ය එකතු කිරීම මගින් අස්වැන්නත් සමඟ පසෙන් ඉවත් වන ශාක පෝෂක නැවත පසට ලබාදීමට අමතරව පසේ සාරවත් බව රැකගැනීමට ඉවහල් වන පාංශු ජීවීන්ගේ ක්‍රියාකාරිත්වය ආරක්ෂාවීමත්, පසේ භෞතික ගුණාංග වැඩි දියුණුවීමත් සිදුවෙයි

කාබනික පොහොර ලෙස යොදා ගත හැකි දේ

01.   කොම්පෝස්ට් පොහොර

02.   කොළ පොහොර

03.   සත්ත්ව පොහොර

04.   බෝග අවශේෂ

05.   ගැඩවිල් දියර පොහොර

06.   කොම්පෝස්ට් (තේ ) දියර පොහොර

07.   මළු නිස්සාරකය (ෆිෂ් ටොනික් )

15 Recommendations

Ministry of Agriculture - Cabinet Memorandum

Establishment of Statutory Technical Council to promote environmentally friendly agriculture.

Establishment of new Sri Lankan Standard (SLS) on pesticides and agrochemicals.

To make an order under the Pesticide Control Act to retain heavy metals and impurities to a minimum possible level

Establishing methodology for controlling undergrowth (weeds) of paddy cultivation & encouraging farmers to cultivate alternate crops for minimizing the use of pesticide

Strengthening legal framework to authorize state officials including the health sector & Grama niladhari to take legal action against those resorting to indiscriminate use of pesticides and those supporting the same.

To prohibit the use of Propane, Glyphosate, Carbaryl, and Chlorpyrifos which have been identified as harmful pesticides in areas where kidney diseases are spreading.

In view of the health risk, taking measures to minimize the use of all chemical fertilizers while encouraging farmers to adopt alternative methods.

Minimize the use of imported phosphate and increase production and use of local phosphates

Testing all fertilizer varieties with health risks posed due to heavy metal and toxic ingredient content and establishment of revised for the same

Strengthening of legal background & establishment of laboratory facilities for frequent testing of agro-chemical impurities

Educate the public on the harmful effects on human health due to the use of agrochemicals and their safety and efficient use.

Prohibit pesticide and agrochemical fertilizer advertising over electronic & print media

Establishment of a safe method for recycling/disposal of empty pesticide container/bottles and fertilizer bags

Providing people in Kidney disease-prone areas with drinking water free of insipid water.

Impose a 10% health safety cess on all imported pesticide varieties and the levied amount to be used for the welfare of the kidney patients and research activities.

Health impact of agrochemicals in Sri Lanka

Agriculture formed the basis of Sri Lankan civilization over many centuries. It was not just an occupation, but an entire culture which sustained the Sri Lankan public in harmony with the natural environment and resources. Ancient Sri Lankan agriculture system fulfils all the criteria of modern concepts of sustainability, conservation and agroecology making it a model example for the world. Furthermore, analysis of sophisticated kingdoms such as Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and Ruhuna lead us to believe that the agriculture systems of the time could sustain large and rapidly growing populations and economies. After independence, successive governments embarked on agriculture reforms aimed at promoting agrochemical-based agriculture practices aimed at achieving food security rapidly. This misadventure has led to many harmful consequences.

Sri Lanka has seen a rapid rise in the incidence of chronic kidney disease among agricultural communities over the past three decades. It kills more than 5000 annually, mainly among rural low-income farming communities. The death toll of CKD and long-term morbidity will soon surpass casualties due to the war, tsunami and all other manmade and natural disasters the country has seen in its history. Concurrently, the public has seen an exponential rise in non-communicable diseases including diabetes, cancers and cardiovascular diseases during the same period. There is evidence to suggest that even infants and children have already been affected by these diseases which have direct associations with agrochemical use.

In addition to this health crisis of genocidal proportions, the natural resources of the country have been severely degraded due to agrochemical use and harmful agriculture practices. Surface water of many agriculture-based areas are contaminated with agrochemicals and related heavy metals, directly leading to CKD. For the first time in two and half millennia of civilization, many areas of North Central province are dependent upon external drinking water supply. Similarly, soil of both dry and wet zones have been severely degraded, acidified and natural microbiome eliminated due to agrochemical use.

Unfortunately, despite this massive human and environmental disaster, expected economic benefits to the country and agrarian communities have failed to materialize. Most among nearly 3 million agriculture-based families remain poor, dependent and in debt. Fruits of gradual economic development and expansion of the middle class have not reached farming communities with equity. Similarly, contribution of agriculture as a proportion of Sri Lankan economy has declined despite a large portion of public being dependent upon it.

Therefore, we are in urgent need of redirecting our agriculture in to a healthy, sustainable, and economically viable pathway which combines our traditional values and knowledge with advances of modern science.

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What is organic agriculture?

Organic agriculture is a holistic production management system which promotes and enhances agro-ecosystem health, including biodiversity, biological cycles, and soil biological activity. It emphasises the use of management practices in preference to the use of off-farm inputs, taking into account that regional conditions require locally adapted systems. This is accomplished by using, where possible, agronomic, biological, and mechanical methods, as opposed to using synthetic materials, to fulfil any specific function within the system.

What are the environmental benefits of organic agriculture?

1. Organic farming in principle discourages the use of harsh chemicals and therefore, contributes towards the preservation of the natural environment. In fact, research studies have revealed that organic farming can eliminate about 500 million pounds of pesticides and chemicals from entering into the environment annually. 2. Organic farming does not rely on the use of synthetic fertilizers as opposed to conventional techniques that are generous with these external chemicals. Avoiding fertilizers contributes to a greater cause of energy conservation. 3. Organic farming is all about natural cultivation practices, which are fairly superior to chemical soil management in terms of the ultimate impact on soil. With its practices closely mimicking nature, organic farming ensures that the earth remains unaffected due to the externally exposed chemicals. This retains the soil’s natural ability to thrive sustainably. 4. Organic farming as a sustainable practice also contributes towards curtailing the phenomenon of global warming.

Is organic farming more profitable?

Organic farming, in general, is more profitable than conventional farming. Organic farms have lower yields than conventional but this is compensated for by lower costs of production and higher prices for organic products.

Tempora delectus eos voluptas mollitia sunt nemo architecto.?

Incidunt cum neque odio minima quia nam. Non odit consequatur atque perferendis voluptates eum quae. Voluptatem sint quas quis et. Voluptatem et porro assumenda placeat omnis autem.

Qui debitis assumenda natus dolorem porro.?

Quia porro eveniet et minima doloremque corrupti earum atque. Eum velit maxime reprehenderit rerum. Fuga natus vitae eos sed aut rerum tenetur. Pariatur perspiciatis dolorum illo earum cupiditate perferendis esse.

Sed aut vero fugiat fuga.?

Soluta dolorem iusto nam vero. Ullam deserunt iusto ut. Dolorem quo error dolorem sint tempore suscipit asperiores. Ut inventore eum aut quod et ex quo est.

Aut enim distinctio voluptatem nesciunt praesentium labore.?

Nulla illo eius adipisci voluptatem. Ex blanditiis eius aspernatur voluptatem. Voluptates praesentium autem id quasi iste quis. Aut dignissimos et sapiente ipsum.

Accusantium deserunt doloremque ipsam ipsum provident.?

Eos qui est esse ex itaque. Iure corrupti inventore voluptas.

Quia et sit est laudantium ea nihil necessitatibus voluptatem.?

Velit consequuntur perferendis et eum et harum. Velit hic labore sint. Mollitia facilis autem praesentium quas laborum dolor facilis. Velit at doloremque consectetur autem. Et temporibus temporibus cumque iure ut quae.

Eaque temporibus numquam molestias ea quis quia commodi eos.?

Consequatur velit voluptatem dolores quia nobis eos non. Perspiciatis ut qui consequatur quibusdam quia velit. Est eos quia dolorem hic et et sunt.

Vero maiores dolorem minus minus possimus repudiandae voluptas.?

Unde incidunt qui ut mollitia similique ut. Est sint commodi enim aperiam. Recusandae est nostrum consequatur expedita impedit consequatur doloremque id.

Sapiente voluptatem beatae facere repellat aspernatur corrupti ipsum.?

Vel numquam accusamus sit quo. Id velit officiis minima eum provident voluptatem. Dolor qui mollitia ea repellendus.

Tenetur numquam inventore iure in itaque rerum id.?

Iure nulla voluptatem quia perspiciatis. Commodi quia facere aut maxime qui veniam. Odit voluptate id dolorem et.

Ut et asperiores est consequatur.?

Totam accusantium porro voluptatem maxime cumque officia incidunt. Rerum eos et repellendus unde vel. Perferendis pariatur quasi aliquid doloribus qui quia.

Qui libero aut voluptatibus ea.?

Inventore fugit perferendis voluptatem incidunt consequuntur cupiditate. Magnam quisquam recusandae vel voluptates officiis aut. Possimus velit necessitatibus ut corporis. Ut distinctio non quis quis voluptatem accusantium temporibus.

Quo et fuga unde ut quia eveniet maxime.?

Maiores sit blanditiis rerum molestiae repellendus expedita. Ducimus rerum ad laboriosam eum accusamus dignissimos accusamus. Repellendus eum quos provident sunt iure. Ea perspiciatis est corrupti velit provident.

Est similique consectetur itaque tenetur sed.?

Dolores eum veniam ratione omnis natus. Eos quia voluptatum qui incidunt.

Omnis magni eligendi sunt earum facere est harum.?

Dolor officia culpa eius. Ex dolor quis perferendis in sit. Praesentium omnis a explicabo possimus eum temporibus sint. Voluptas eaque sed exercitationem culpa minima rem dicta.

Debitis nam corrupti unde est omnis.?

Dolorem facere ea pariatur repudiandae quia asperiores. Temporibus eligendi accusamus quibusdam facilis et. Delectus consectetur temporibus dolores fuga iste numquam excepturi. Id iste omnis aut sapiente aperiam.

Velit aperiam inventore autem iste.?

Explicabo ea ut corporis. Sed ullam distinctio saepe veniam. Doloremque expedita velit iusto repudiandae ut culpa. Quasi eum nisi dolorem aut rem et.

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